

If today is a reason...
If today is the reason,
that sadness got through my way
I know, tomorrow would be the season
where only happiness will have its say...

If today becomes someone obstreperous,
difficult to keep within and maintain peace
I know tomorrow is someone harmonious,
who would definitely keep anger at bay with felice...

If today is a day of evocation,
bitter memories, sorrowful miseries, to cry about
I know tomorrow there would be an aspiration,
to create something sweet, to remember throughout...

If today became 'a wish to forget'
in order to hide some rough patches,
I know my 'tomorrow' hasn't come yet,
in hopes to remember the good deeds and promises...

If today is somehow, 'The End'
breaking the connection of being alive & dead
I know tomorrow will have a new 'Tittle' penned,
perhaps 'the end' is just a 'prologue' of another story unread...



© lost_within