

He ain't Ready
I don't judge,
I just know I matter,
I'm not a thing you can occasionally pick up an just put down,
I love hard an I'm clingy too,
At least that's what I know,
I don't want to be strung along,
I want something Real, not just a best friend for life, my goofy Ace,
My Demi God ❤️ My King ,My Nasy Daddy behind closed doors, My Husband ,My Partner, my Home, My Safe Place,
I wanna be the reason you smile in the morning,
I wanna be in your daydreams,
Like, can I come play in your ASTRO realm? better yet,
let's take a dive into your oceans an calm your 7 🌊 Seas,
let me explore your jungles, an zone out on your mountain top,
let me look into your eyes an visit your galaxies like hidden rainforest deep in your soul, you're full of beautiful vibes a new Adventures type shit,
but hey guess he's not ready,
I deserve to be loved unconditionally,
not played with,
we should be enjoying the fruits of this unconditional love an safety, our spirits intertwined an bonded as one,
I just selfishly want a person, my very own person, a vibe so right it creates a out of body reaction every time we link ,
I want my person to choose me willingly an not out of obligation, who sees all of me an not just parts of me 🥰💃🏾
I want a person who teaches me with every ounce of love in their heart ❤️ how to just live better peacefully we don't have to questioneach other,
just embrace the comfort of knowing ✨️ 😌 I'm yours an you are mine,

☆♡Paris ♡☆
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