

Rather "better" than a "happy" one
A whole new year,
A whole new decade,
Let this rather be "better" than a "happy" one..

Better than the one that shook this whole wide world;
Better than the one that costed countless lives;
Better than the one that brought tears and fear;
Better than the one that questioned faith and hope..

The year's been tough, but you've made it through..

Remember the ones that helped you pull this off,
Your bunch of precious people
Who stood by you through thick and thin,
Who prayed for you and wished you good
And the greatest of all.. you yourself!
Because in the end, when light left and darkness prevailed,
And when the world believed your fake, merry mask,
You had only you to pick yourself up,
You had only you to walk that rough road,
You had only you to weather great storms,
You had only you to hear and tend your broken heart,
You had only you to heal and love yourself..

A whole new year,
A whole new decade,
Let this rather be "better" than a happy one..
© Gayathri Mukund