

Feel The Beat, Music Is In Human Heart
The dourness of the heart, Left low, A moment of happiness please, Say what I feel, Say what I am, Feel I am here, This will not be gone, Flow outwards, Make me feel, What I want, For you can give, And give they do, To us through God, To very feel, The music of life, Is music, feel, The flow of feeling, Connect to this, The beat of drum, Is the beat of heart, The play of strings, The strings of your heart, Rattle your emotions, And bring you to bliss, Please do, Musicians do, For play those strings, Is what they do, Beat the drums, Hearts out to you, So raw, bass, A Human feel, Tribal and carneval even, This Is where we start, Drumming trees, The beat of the heart, Plucking string, Whose shaking the beeds? The making of music, More ancient than Humans, People together, Enjoying the vibe, And when you bring, Together in number, or few, People dancing, Together as one, The release of feeling, To good and true, This must be so good for you, To listen and feel, And dance as one Tribal feel, Always, to music, Our origins too. James.
© James Alexander