

But she whom my heart loves.
"The tears of love"

While thinking of you,
you make me cry.
If the sunshine should rise and fall,
finding your eyes filled up with a bunch of tears for me, will I fall?
I wish so much you wouldn't cry, the way you did today.

Thinking of the many things like wedding, you make me smile.
And each times that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too, not even a while.
But when will tommorow be without me?
please..... try to understand me, that I didn't want to die. I have so much to leave for, and too much things left to do.

It seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you,
cause I'd say goodbye and kiss you.
Thinking of you make me cry so true,
Standing strong and tall for true;
Honey please pick up my phone call,
let the last voice of yours be a mile all,
And the sights of your tears stretch and fall, for there you are the queen of all,
painful but I still stand tall.

Full well, the sun laughter,
thinking of you today seems you will accept me,
making me get mad as if tommorow will be,
thinking of you today is new;
Sadness knocked at my door,
my patientness had filled the bucket,
and making me go as a caskets.
Honey please..., promise me today will always last,
and tommorow would be a past.
Try to understand the inch of my words,
let tommorow will be no fight against the swords;

Is my love for you too small?
Honey, please pick up my sandwich call.
Where shall I go?
where the echoes of your love I ne'er had?
where the feelings not good but bad?
where the banks are yellow and sad?
where my heart beat never show?
where the sun shine to?
where the winds blow but I am too cold?
Thinking of you make me glow,
And my hurtful tears roll and settled below,
Together I pray to see us grow;
I am contented with my faith,
Wiped off the tears and be great,
But she whom my heart loves and I appreciate.

___Abdulkarim Keh-turay 🇸🇱