

Life journey
Life is a journey filled with ups and downs
A constant struggle, a series of rounds
We face challenges, we face pain
But through it all, we must remain

Success is not handed, it must be earned
With hard work and determination, we must learn
To push through the darkness, to fight the fight
For only then can we reach the light

Obstacles may seem too great to overcome
But we must remember, we are not alone
For in this struggle, we find our strength
And in the end, it will be our greatest length

We stumble, we fall, but we must rise
With every failure, we gain new ties
To our inner selves, our resilience shines
And we emerge stronger, like a diamond in the mines

Success is not measured by wealth or fame
It's the battles we win, the scars we claim
For they tell the story of our journey
And how we overcame, with bravery and fury

So let us not fear the struggles of life
For they are what make our story come to life
With every hurdle, we learn and grow
And with every success, our confidence will glow

Life is a struggle, but it's also a blessing
For it teaches us lessons, it keeps us guessing
And in the end, when we look back
We will see that it was all worth the track

For through the struggle, we find our success
And it's the journey that truly impress
So let us embrace it, with all our might
For that is what makes our story bright.