

Its like ripple effect when you touch my set - I place a kiss on your neck to remind you of me when you left. My heart beat smoothly from the calm nectar taste of your breath. Our entanglements are way beyond sex - without you as my pillow baby I can't rest. Like ravenous wolf I crave the stench of your escaping breath.

I lie awake aching because I'm not next to you to satisfy my innate cravings. No need to ask because you're greater than my better half. You lie soundlessly in the distance yet the echoes of your laughter lingers loudly as if you were here in my arms.

I've missed you long before you were gone, and even more so now that I can't feel your palms. I feign for your charms because they're my blanket at night that kept me warm. I miss you so much it hurts - like Google for you my heart search.

I see your face in every turn, but on the many faces that look back - your smile didn't return. It burns because without having you here there is really nothing left to earn.

I closed tightly my eyes and mentally glance your curves flawlessly complimenting your thighs. To place again these arms around them would surely be nice.
The firm bounce in your hips when you step, the way your hair falls perfectly to your neck, the breathtaking smile that define the smallest detail of your cheeks...wow! Such beautify perfection have me on bending knees asking you please - to make me again the one you need.

The time we spent remind me of heaven though there I've never went. You filled all the cracks in my life, and I'll never forget you for doing that.

It melts my whole world just to see you sparks. I love you and that's from the truest depth of my heart.
© Lil Kryz