

The Painter
He paints her in hues of blue
Says she reminds him of the midnight sky
So dark and so full of secrets
Stolen kisses, gentle whispers

He adds a dash of gold
She always glows after dark
Glows after making sweet sweet love

He paints her in oranges and reds
The colors of a thousand sunsets they've watched together
Sprinkling grey droplets that remind him of all the storms they've weathered together

He limns the painting in white
She brings so much peace and purity to my life he says
My life is more meaningful, more rich

He sits a while staring at the half done sketch
You know i could use all the colors in the world
Each beautiful and exotic in its own way
But no color perfectly portrays her

She's violet and yellow, magenta and green , fuschia and teal
She's everything beautiful bringing color to everything around her

She's every color combined, an explosion of beauty
And she, she is breathtaking...
© Black Mango