

Daily Grind
The daily grind it creeps and crawls
A relentless march of time and stalls
An alarm clock sends out its shrilled cry
Constant jarring jostling wake-up calls
Demands to rise and face another day
Another round in life's little game

The morning routine a dance
A well-rehearsed choreography
Coffee brewed toast buttered
Clothes hurriedly donned
A race against the clock
To yearn to make it to work on time

The commute a battle to be won
Perhaps lost amidst the throng
The bus the train the car the plane
A metal womb or an encased tomb
Where strangers sit remaining wearily close
Their breath and body heat and warmth
A temporary intimacy and nearness
Which fades as swiftly as it came

The office a sanctuary
Or prison of sorts it depends
The fatigued familiar faces
The endless rows of desks and whatnot
The ringing phones and beeping emails
The constant noise it never ebbs or wanes

The daily grind just wears you down
Like fallen water fleeting upon a stone
Your spirit your soul your psyche
They ache and groan
For something more
Yes something more
A break from all the monotony
A glimpse of freedom's glow

But life assuredly goes on
And in truth of course so must we
To persevere to survive to stay alive
In this world yet full of toil and strife

So take a breath my friend
And use your strength within
For in each passing tick and tock I tell you
There is a gem to be found a chance to win

The daily grind although it may be tough
I still proclaim that we are not alone
There is beauty within the struggle
And purpose in every task
Just reach out and find it
And hold it close

For in the end
We shall truly see
That when we do
We have indelibly indeed
Made our remarkable mark
Upon the world with which we all of us live

© Travis Allen King aka DTH