

My deciding night
Think about a time in your life when you couldn’t make a decision, and write a poem based on it.

Each new day provided doubts
Doubts based on my colour
Doubts based on my stature
Doubs based on my attitude
Doubts based on-----------
I couldn't even think for my self
I was deprived the right and ability to make my decisions.
Tried not to agree with others making choices for me especially by they which sit back at home watching what the future holds for me.
I gat to make them proud
I've gat to put smiles on their faces
If not I'll be a laughing stock and a disgrace to their name full of reputation.
I've promised to do so,but-------------.
They say they'll hold my hands
And tell me where to put a step and in what path even though not convenient.
I wanted to leave
I wanted to stay alone
but they said no.
I wanted to make a choice of school
but they said no.
I wanted to be free and respectful.
They gave me the right values in an unquantifiable measure so why are they holding me back.
Mom says I'm her only child
So I'll be with them always.
Then a day came.
I strolled in from work.
They asked where I was coming from and I said work.
They said I came home late and i said it's just a minute after five
They said I was stopping the job!
And that was it.
I got fired up from within
I got charged up.
The real me said NO.And that was for the first time I could ever remember.
I had become so used to YES
Even when a different one outside tells me to do a particular thing i'm all in a YES.
But that was then.Now is MY DECIDING NIGHT i said within.
I was into music
They said it won't bring honour to them.
I agreed.
I went into banking so that they'll get satisfaction.
I have wanted to be free from all this
but I hadn't got the confidence to take and make my decision.
But that night was the night I spoke from anger but not with anger.
I stood my ground and made my decision with no inkling of fear to them.
I wasn't going to stop my job,
I will keep it while taking part-time lessons in music and I'm leaving to become that great one I always wanted to be.
I poured all this out with determination in my heart. Little I didn't know was that they thought I can never do what I did and I could never make decisions.
They wanted me to be in the house all in the name of protection.They wanted to put me on allowances that may be higher than my pay but that was my deciding night and u did what's best for me.
No matter the pay,
I knew my voice and my attitude would influence someone positively.
I had to do what I needed to and they allowed me.
Like the count down in a basketball game
My game got its fame
And even the lame in the bushes heard my name.
To me it's no more tardiness but vigour .
My people at home became so proud of me more than the way I was of myself.
My deciding night changed everything.
Yours can change all too.

© Amarachi