

The Red Balloon
I follow her voice
Do whatever she ask me to
Perform unquestionably
Because I know her too
Can't unsee her love for me
The work she does with ease or pain
Little things she takes care of
I have nothing to complain
I love her too much
More than myself or any other
She's my everything in this world
She's my mother.

I follow his voice
Find peace in his words
Try my best to work hard
So I can fit in his shirts
He doesn't show his love
But make me feel it somehow
I've learnt from him
As I walk on my own now
He's tough but soft at heart
I love him more than any other
He's my tutor in life
He's my father.

I follow his voice
I'm gifted with a best friend
He makes it easier for me
Like blending in a new trend
He cares for me in his own way
Never makes me feel lonely
Can call for help anytime
I know he's there for me
I don't want to let him down
Our bond is like none other
He's got my back forever
He's my brother.

Blessed to be a part of them
Their love is my boon
The wind is my surface
And I fly like a red balloon.

#Poetry #WritcoPoemChallange