

On the shores of the Arabian Sea
On the shores of the Arabian Sea,
at sunset, it's an alluring place to be,
as the golden palette fills the sky,
my eyes are in awe, as the clouds pass by,
I let my skin glow, in the elixir of twilight,
drowning myself, in the alchemy before the night,
and as the winds wrap, around my brittle bones,
I can hear the waves, singing in rippling tones.

And far beyond, where the sky touches the horizon,
the sea has a faint silver lining in its silence,
from where the waves, bring a changing tide,
leaving no trace, of my footprints in sight,
as if, it want for me, to live in the present,
while I seek the reflections, of the past, as I went,
in the shells I collected on the endless sand,
or on the boats, that keep fading from where I stand.

And as the dusk strolls with me along the shore,
I felt like a stranger to myself , refreshed once more,
savouring every moment, on the waves, bringing foam,
before I embark on a journey, long way back home.

By Jophin Kulangara © 30-Sep-2022

#sunset #beach