

My Playlist Of Beauty
I've never seen the beauty in sunsets and rainbows and the warm summer noons with blooming trees and the subtle hint of happiness in the air.
My mind trapped in the fragrance of my past, has grown to find beauty in set sun and the clouds that blanket the rainbow and the gloomy winter nights with the fallen leaves and the ever present radiation of internal gloom.
If my mind spoke the words of the common folk, I could explain the details of my beauty to you;
Or maybe, if my hands didn't speak like poetry in flesh, blood and bone, I could end my silly ramblings on the summer noons to search for the beauty spoken of.

I remember listening to a song once.
I remember listening to it a thousand times until i had formed a playlist of songs in my head from only its lyrics and created a universe from its symphonies.
I remember it spoke of the destitution in anguish and the cracks in a broken voice.
And I remember more vividly than most things, how familiar the words were and how the cracks felt just like mine.
I remember the day I composed the song of all lonely poets.

© Mae