

Who is He?
"Who is he?" Someone asked me today,
They pointed towards a photo,
I forgot I still had it in my gallery,
Now looking at it, I think,
This is the man who first gave me butterflies,
This is the man who made me understand the concept of love,
The man who became my home away from home,
The only man other than my father to make me feel safe,
His eyes reminded me of the countless times they would stare into mine,
His smile reminded me of the million dollar smile he flashed for me,
His lips, Oh so tempting, reminded me of the little kisses they would pepper on my face,
Oh yes, this is the man whom I proclaimed as mine,
The man who made me fall in love,
In the short run of my unloved life,
The man who became the infinity of my life,
In the short time that he was the only one of my life,
The man who became the soul of my body,
In the long run of my unaccountable life,
The smile that was tugging on my lips broke free,
I opened my mouth and all I could say was,
"He's someone I used to know",
That sentence felt oh so strange on my tongue,
For I never addressed him with such unfamiliarity,
Never ones had I imagined,
The man who was the prince of my dreams then,
Would be The man who haunts my dreams now,
The man who was the life of my laughter then,
Would be The man who is the sadness of my tears now.

© Pakhi Gupta