


MEMORIES from a TIME when we knew what life was...from a TIME when TOMMOROW wasn't as important as TODAY🤸

The beautiful MEMORIES of childhood when we knew no ENEMY...when life was BLISSFUL, filled with everything that gave JOY and SATISFACTION

O! those beautiful days when we never worried about trying to SURVIVE the world our parents LIVED in cuz we CREATED/LIVED ours in our minds/hearts

Sadly we lose this UNDERSTANDING that life is to be LIVED not SURVIVED cuz this is what we've made REALITY to be

Even those that never felt the JOYS of a pleasant childhood, all stems from what REALITY has become

Finally we succumb to SOCIETAL CONDITIONING just like our parents and some fail to RISE till their TIME of exit⌛

There's more to life and we can bring it forth into EXISTENCE

The CONSCIOUS ones LIVE and hope to CREATE a more STABLE environment for the young ones to come👶🧒

May the FAILURES of the PAST never hinder the PROGRESS of NOW and the EXPANSIONS of TOMORROW🛤️

© Kíkörí Kasie