

The Time
There is a season for everything, so they say,
A time for every purpose under the sky.
A time to wage wars, to fight and defend,
And a time for peace, for conflicts to mend.

There's a time to be angry, to let emotions flow,
But also a time to find solace and let it go.
A time to consolidate, to gather strength and might,
And a time to celebrate, in moments shining bright.

There's a time for joy, where laughter fills the air.
There's a time to weep, where tears freely seep.

A time to sow seeds of hope, in fertile ground,
And a time to reap the harvest, abundantly crowned.
A time to build bridges, to connect and unite,
And a time to let go, to bid farewell and take flight.

In the vastness of time, we search for mysteries,
Exploring wonders in each moment's histories.
Under the depths of mighty time, treasures are concealed,
Whispers of the past and futures yet to be revealed.

Tick-tock, the clock echoes in rhythmic delight,
Guiding our days, from morning until night.
Yet time is fluid, bending to our perception,
Speeding up in joy, slowing down in reflection.

In its passage, dreams are born and unfold,
Opportunities arise, stories waiting to be told.
But time is fleeting, slipping through our grasp,
Teaching us to cherish moments, make each one last.

© davence_hackwell

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