

I watched a woman in another place
find things to take home from the wild
I realize that I've desired
the peace and comfort it brings
Watched so long and now I see
I didn't see reality

I've missed the wild for so many years
I'm reminded now that I still have tears
My hope was always somehow we'd be
after work and bills we would be free
That you and I would go to escape
as I watch her now I can see
what was at stake when we believed

Believing there'd be a way someday
We worked long and hard and stayed
Now I see that it was just a dream
that time has passed us both
I'd always hoped and held it dear

Somewhere sometime how we'd be close
No longer is time present in my dreams
No longer I hope we'd find what we seek
The dream has come and gone once more
Along with the years I've hoped
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