

✨Her Tale✨
Let me tell you a tale
Off a girl so far gone
There's nothing left but a veil
A veil of grief of pain of abandonment

She's all alone
No one to protect her
High in a drugged up zone
No one to stop her

She doesn't care what's right or wrong
What's dangerous or safe
All she cares about is that it's been too long
Since her last fix

She's still so young
But oh she's broken
Her will to live has been wrung
Out it was her last token

What is her drug of choice
Is it weed cocaine or pills
She doesn't have a voice
All she has is her blood as it spills

She watches it drip
Down her arms it goes
From her veins it all slips
It flows from her in rows

But she never cries
Not even a single tear never does she weep
Something inside her dies
But still she continues to speak

"Cry for those who have eyes
But cannot see
For those who believe that through their lies
They can deceive"

As she bleeds
She speaks these words
The words he'll never read
This is her secret to keep

She draws with silver
And it turns to red
Her death to deliver
Her soul to be fed

She has no use
For this hopeless world
She's done with this abuse
He doesn't care anyway

If she leaves
No one will care
He won't believe
No one would dare

They won't stop her
They will be happier with her gone
She'll be at peace
And her demons will have won

They look just like we do
They hide among us
Blend into our view
Settle beyond the dust

She can't see them
She can't hide
Sorry but she can't help
She's just along for the ride

Not what you wanted
Life never was
You are what's hunted
You're his last buzz

Hes finished with her
He's found a new prey
She's finally at rest
On her death bed he's watches her lay

He's her demon
Her one and only nightmare
She was only human
Led into his lair

This was her tale
Her journey away from all her pains
Her one and only betrayal
The last drops fall from her veins
© _the_dark_huntress_