

Don't ask for help
If you ever need help,
stop yourself!
think twice before you sell yourself,
because that is what it is;
selling yourself short
for a price you can never repay, fully.
howbeit a dime or a mile.
you see
every help rendered comes with
a noose of vines.
a ring of sadness to burden you.
one day they help you
and the next they put you in a circle and have you chase your tail
for freedom like a mouse.
that is why they call it the rat race.
You; the mouse in the cage.

can a rat win
when its victory dance is a wiggle back to the cage?
are favours ever repaid, when a refund is just a promise note for more favours to grace?
you see,
my friend?
every help rendered is a rat race.
an endless chase
with a constantly increasing rate.
you probably won't get out of it
Just like me.

© shalex