

After a long time i cried.
This time it wasn't about her.
The tears didn't come out too see her,
or to miss her.
It came to see me.
I was in class when i cried.
Thank God no one noticed.
It got stored in my eyes first,
cleared my sight,Made me understand fake and true.
Then it rolled down my cheeks with the bad memories.

The tears helped me.
All my problems were carried away.
The sadness of being lost,losing friends, being a disappointment, loneliness etc etc.
It carried away my past experiences of loneliness;
Walking around alone,Staying silent even in a group,Zoning out,Being cornered etc etc
It carried everything away.
People must cry once in a while.
To wash out the bad things
and to water the new beginnings....
© @broken_piece