

We are the same kind
Meet me in the middle,
With an open mind,
Set aside differences,
We're the same kind...
I can see the smokey air
Don't go into the stubborn wind...
My souls longs to see us together,
But I can't take your egoistic mind..
Your ego takes over the love
Leaving me all black and blue to grief...
Your stubborn wind crushes my believe
But seeing your smile gave me a hope to stay....
And then came the dark night,
You forced me saying it's right
The touch of your hand that day was so tight,
It broke the bubble of fake light......
You claimed being a husband it's your right,
That day I came to know your narrow mind,
Then you lectured about my choice, saying I just a woman and my life in your feet lies,
I knew that we are not on the same page as difference collide....
So He said even after all this on the isle...
She is always on my mind,
I just want her to keep similing...
There I knew we were the same kind..
As we both just wanted a fake castle to built.....
With no love, no trust, no understanding but with unbelievable expectations,
And there we both saw in each other the destructive guilt.....

Then I decided to change...
Took the control of my life to pace....
I learnt to stand for my self and beliefs
I got to know he was disturbed and left behind with grief....
The love for him was never gone....
I went to meet him and said in the most loving tone....

Meet me in the middle,
With an open mind....
Set aside the differences,
We're the same kind

© hola.its_anagha.777

#heartbreak #Love #breakup #selfrespect #realtionship #bonds #understanding