

She Cried
She cried and I couldn’t do anything,
“I’ll be okay.” I whispered as she cried, and cried until her eyes were red.
She cried, and cried until her cheeks were tear-stained and her breath was gone.

The salty teardrops landed on my shoulder and the gasp she gave as she saw the sadness I almost drowned in.
Her pain I cannot sleep on,
Nor wish upon anyone,
Her heart I made stop for an instant.

But she cried.
I knew she would,
Although I never anticipated how much she would cry,
How much anyone would cry.

She didn’t take notice of the room that I’d kept clean since I last rung her,
Nor the bed I had made and the blankets that I had folded,
Mirrors that were clean, carpet that had been hoovered or how I’d moved my bedroom around.
She didn’t notice.

As she cried her arms wrapped round me,
“Why would you do this to yourself?” She wept.
She didn’t notice that my eyes were bloodshot and dilated from earlier to now be so dry and numb,
She just cried,
I knew she would.