

Woman , Woman Woman
Define being a Woman .
Woman is a tern, I think people forgot that it Exists.
People been using this since B.C. millions of years ago.
Back when caveman bbn lived and Dinosaurs roamed the earth ,Even Way before God made Adam and Eve.
He seen that his son was lonely and
Created a Partner, He took one and Made two which makes Two halves of One Whole.
He took a Man and made a Woman To Birth Children.
There equal none is above the other One.
But that was the past and this is the present,
People use Woman to Justify there Place, To know there Name.
There not equal to man, There consider low on the Food Chain.
They are Prey , Woman are often associated to female Dogs which means Bitches in the Dictionary.
Or A" Hoe" that use to Dig up dirt in the ground.
From Woman to Dogs ,
From Woman to shit,
From Woman to Spit,
From Woman to Nothing and that's a Damn shame .
Your Mother is a Woman and you came from her, Why would you want to lower and degrade her name.
Woman is a Term that is True.
So next time you see a Woman call her By her Name, And say I appreciate you.
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