


With these rules please do comply
Especially from this month of July
On God alone must you rely
For all and your every supply

'Tis Him who gives man grace for gain
Your profits, the wisdom to retain
He will not allow your exploits to wane
Without Him your efforts are in vain

This is the seventh month of the year
Which means the second half is here
You really need to conquer your fears
Or await the sure harvest of tears

Align your goals along your means
It's another step to ensure the wins
Else your savings grow their wings
And find a haven in the winds

Make strange passions go away
Especially if you're a married man
Of gold diggers you must beware
If you are a working woman

From their every form please flee
Lest on your daily toil they will glue
Nothing of value can come for free
Free things are like deadly flu

Write these few rules on your mind
Add some more as they come to mind
Beneath them are life's successes mined
And in six months time you will be fine

© FrancisUdo