

Summer Melodies ☀️
Amidst Summer's sway,
In May 's warm embrace
Where spring's gentle touch adorn the space
The breeze whispers a secret
A soft,wild yet tender gaze;
As trees hums Melodies,
leaves 🍃 dance with grace.

Neither scorching heat,
Nor winter's cold embrace
On this perfect day,
Where dreams gently play
Lying in repose, thoughts wander astray
In the blissful calm,
Where time slips away.

How to spend this precious gift,
We ponder and muse
Painting hues of joy or
tending gardens in use.
Yet, the allure of leisure,
Our hearts does infuse...
With anime's embrace and culinary muse.

As ☁️clouds 🌧 gather,
Painting skies in sombre hue
A longing for a rain or Storm, a wish anew

But alas, the clouds ⛅️ part,
Revealing azure blue,
leaving desires unmet,
....Dreams to pursue.

© Enigma