

Shallow grave
I sharpened my tongue so my words would hurt whenever I spoke
I was tired of being the idiot boy so I,
Achieved to be somebody but I was dedicated to being a nobody
Every time I looked in the mirror,
My life would flash and my eyes would roll from the disappointment I had found in myself
Who was I?
What was I destined to be or become?
Succumbed to my injuries but that wasn't enough
They battled me even though I was already dead to get an easy win and to make me swallow dirt
I was used to pain so it didn't hurt but it made my heart small enough to know that in a world full of everybody and somebody,
I was the only nobody
Driven into the rabbit hole and forced to be attacked in a position where I couldn't move
I shaved my head thinking that my thoughts would vanish but they only came back stronger
Why me?
I wear a flat face but often times I'm confused
Often times I'm trying to figure out the difference between me and everyone else
Can I fly a plane or am I destined to be the infamous serial killer?
Can't I be both?
Who would ever know?
I don't follow my intrusive thoughts
I don't allow myself to get so angry that I need to end someone's life,
Even though they ended mine
Could I already be dead?
Has the world not shown me enough damage to make me want to cause more?
Has the government not failed me enough to want to rebel?
Has family not been disappointed in me enough to make me think that I'd be better off in a casket underground,
Still waiting for someone to tell me that they're proud?
Who's proud?
Who looks at me and sees that I've made progress since I've been alive and I'm no longer living in cages with wild animals even though they think I need to be?
My demeanor is silent
My words can be dangerous and my eyes can see through your soul from 100 yards out
I see evil
I hear evil
But evil I never speak
Evil I never think because when I blink,
Evil is there
Possessed by suicide
Obsessed with murder
Disgusted by life but yet,
I'm alive in my own world,
In my own mind
My own mind
My own mind….

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