

I met her...
The person in the mirror..

May be I was busy in this chaos
That ....
I forgot her existence....
Now that ,
My existence has been shut down in between these walls...
Her presence has filled the room..

Calling for my attention
Calling for my hand

It was long since we last saw each other
She was embarrassed
I was scared to face her...

I was running away....

The more I run
The more she falls into the hole
Trying to hide...from prying eyes ,
From me....

I hated her ....
I wanted to cut her off me.....
I hated her
For she was a part of me..


That I see her ,
Her eyes,
Show a hint of sadness...
Being alone filled with coldness...


I m not ready...
I m not ready to open my arms ...
I m not ready to embrace her....

I still , regret having her.....
I m sorry ....
For the girl in the mirror....

I told her to go away..
"Take her
Take her away !!!".....

But she was helpless...
For she cannot be apart of me..
For she is me....
I m her.....
And that's inevitably true.....


© Mohsina Rahman