

Can you see light at the end of tunnel?

There's way to escape
Where the things you fear to face

When the good things goes up in smoke
Making the reality bitter and broke

Because of multiplication of wickedness,
the love of many will grow cold

Then the glimmer of hope will take you to the way
the time will come ,when you can't convey.
Just Walking on the path, in hours of trial and dismay

Aversion to pain makes us run past
Hiding from the endurance is always unsurpassed

With all the anger you make a sand cast
And makes the obnoxiousness never outlast

We need to rise from our own ashes
The fire inside is sun like flashes
Darkness must descends and joy must thrashes

Then you find the way to escape
Where there's no hiding nor any hate
People choose jubilation over blate.
