

Shattered heart
I bear it all in
The pain ,sorrow and grief
I can't believe I lost you

I cry myself to sleep
Lying alone on the lonely bed
Where your warmth is missing

I want to believe you are still there
Or you just took a trip
But looking at the cold bed
I'm scared to close my eyes

I'm scared your images may blur
Fade from my little mind
The house is quiet again
Our arguments are now in vain

Your clothes lie here
But I wish you were here
Can I still hear your voice?
Or would it only be in my dreams

Can I see you just once?
Just to say goodbye
I promise I won't cry
I promise not to hold you back
I promise to just say bye

I promise it will just be the last
The last I see you
The last I hold you
Please,just this once

© Llyn writes