

Mom how nice of you....
mom you are my best best friend,
the ocean of your love never end,
if I got scared,
then you teach me to be brave,
I never forget all this,
mom always be like that...

mom how nice of you,
l love very love you,
you love me too,
your kindness is infinite,
you are always right....

I can't find the words to write
for you,
I don't need to express my feelings,
because you know everything about me,
because of you this world I can see,..

who in the world like you,
the work like you, who can do?
what name should I give you,
sometimes you treat as a doctor,
sometimes becoming a teacher
& gives immense knowledge,
sometimes you become like friend...

how can I describe you,
only I will say
I love you too.........

happy mother's day....!!
- Vanshika Chaubey #mom