

Freudian slip
In the depths of my heart, pain finds its dwelling,
A sorrow profound, a tale worth telling,
It razes my serenity, shatters my delight,
A foolishness exposed, breaking me, day and night.

I cannot blame myself for love's cruel twist,
For thinking it timeless, forever in our midst,
But to be an afterthought in your heart's domain,
While you remain my constant, an eternal strain.

My thoughts scattered, a haze that engulfs my mind,
The true depth of pain, hard to define,
Is it the sting of innocence, embracing cruel fate,
Or the anguish of my own perceived state?

I struggle to determine what pains the most,
Feeling like a mere ghost, an option to boast,
Or the knowledge that I'm always held at bay,
A lingering ache, impossible to allay.

Agony consumes, tormenting my very soul,
Yet it fails to affect you, taking no toll,
Was I merely a fleeting need, momentarily desired,
A tool to be used, a pawn to be tired?

I strive to piece together the fragments of truth,
But they evade me, leaving me stranded, uncouth,
You urged me to pretend, to ignore all the lies,
But even the smallest deceit rends through the skies.

Here I now stand, my heart tender and raw,
Contemplating the worth of our grand downfall,
The pain you've inflicted, forever imprinted within,
But I'll find healing, forging ahead, leaving no regret to chagrin.

Yet still, I don't wish to let go or move on,
I yearn for you alone, and that fury, it prolongs,
It adds to the pain that lodges deep in my core,
But I'll learn to let go, and find solace, once more.

© Tashy