

Nolane million scar
I crawl, I stand,I cried,
I eat, I drink, I exercise,
I control, I am telling ,
I will be the happiest person someday,

And the dreams suddenly appeared to be my death bed,
The cursing, the howling, the growling,
Remind the men "man go works for your children",
And they threw the humongous bread,
Pitiful , greedy, revengeful,
And they never knew Nolane had million scar,

I crawl, They said "you're our kid",
I stand, They said "you're wrong to this family",
I run, They yelled "you should never be born"
And I stop, And I fly "you should come to us for second chance"

The day he flew,
They all shouting, They all howling, They all in madness ,They All crying,
And here they learned,
Never spoilt your child mentally and physically,

The choices ,The results ,
Waited until time brought them together,
To tell you "are you going to do well for your child"?
And when you said "yes", You're good parents,
And when you said "no" "don't know", You're just killer to those kids,

Nolane had a chance,
Nolane just a kids,
Nolane had a million scars ,
Where in his deepest heart,
No one will ever know except The God,

© writerturk