

A life is filled with promises,
Some full fill the promise,
While some do not ,
But for me it is different .

There is no way to complain ,
As I have promised you,
Whether the world turns upside down,
Or whether the world ends,
I will take care of our belongings,
Our belongings is safe here,
And will forever.

As I have promised to take care of you and me,
Sometimes I feel alone ,
I feel removing all the ties and then flee away in a peace place ,
But as I have told,
Its different for me .

The day you left ,
Making me vow ,
I will not leave 'us' ,
I will be happy ,
And become free .
My heart cries ,
Making me remind ,
Your desires, Your love.

I feel to cut every bond ,
And come to you and live with you ,
But again my promise to you ,
Stops me ,
Though my heart cries eagerly,
Each moment,
Though my life exists without being alive,
I have to hide the innermost feelings tightly,
Without telling anyone ,
As I have promised you .

Hope I didn't made any promise ,
But all wishes of you I made it fulfill,
One will remain undercover ,
To be happy without is not possible,
As a promise,
I will pretend that .

In every inch of mine ,
You are present always ,
And will be forever,
Hope you could come again..........