

My tears kissing intertwined ocean of laughter,
As I clown in a dark circus.
From my chest, my heart make beats,
As I wail for their pleasure.

They can relate to my story,
As I play my secrets in the open.
In your heart my play is a misfiring of your emotions,
Yet, you laugh in a choking cough.

You mould my play to cloud your reflections away,
So you laugh in a choking cough;
Choking on my acts,
Choking on my tears.
You play on my play with clay,
Thinking you can hide in the mud.

Why do my magic tricks surprise you?
The same tricks you do in your secrets,
But come to the open to cajole me,
So you hold your throat, laughing away your guilt.
You choked on my tricks,
You choked on my words.

Each time, you re-choked on your laughter,
Each time, it resounds like a metal gong,
Choking you like a never ending nightmare.
Now you would laugh and cry and choke,
Your insides inflated from the burn of your hypocrisy,
An unquenchable flame it has become;
Your own fire burning you alive.

Now the cover up is a sham,
It is you crying for real now.
Now you entertain me;
My laughter roaring in intertwined ocean of tears,
As you clown in your dark circus.
From my chest my heart make beats,
As I pleasure in your wail.

I laugh not for scorn,
I laugh not for revenge.
I laugh because you now know,
That those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones;
You threw stones at me,
Unsatisfied, you threw rocks at me,
But your magnet of lie lay you on your bed of pretence,
Stripped you of your mud of invisible coat,
And choked you with the fume of your own flame.