

The Monk And The Spirit
Listen far, listen wide...
I tell a tale, from elders
And from old wives.
A tale of love and loss,
And of beyond heavens
And lost cause.

Listen, for I shall not repeat.
This is an old tale,
Of a heavenly spirit
And a beautiful human male.
Such was his beauty
Kings would grow concerned.
They hid their wives
And his village they burned.
So he ran and became a monk
A celibate, for life.
All the females clicked their tongues,
When his pretty locks met the knife.
He was tasked to travel the world
And spread the holy teaching.
He did so loyally, to the word,
And finally the fated meeting.
A spirit, who had wings like diamonds,
She was as fair as one could ever be.
But the MONK stayed true to his bonds.
But the SPIRIT! Only love could she see.

She offered the MONK heaven,
But he politely refused.
The SPIRIT never known denial,
Remained ever confused.

"Isn't heaven all monks wish for?"
She asked in her query.
"But, I must earn it first." He said,
He was neither sad, nor merry.

"Then I too shall earn it" she said.
Still confused, but ever caring.
"How will you do that" He said.
Amused, and somewhat smiling.

At that, her wings began to fall,
"I shall walk with you" she said,
To a spirit, her wings were her all.
Dumbstruck! He had no words for her,
So simply, to her his hand he gave,
And they walked the path thereafter.

© Kai1992