

Monkey's Hope, Croc's Clasp
In a realm where wildness reigns supreme,
Amidst the whispers of nature's dream,
A crocodile lurked in the murky bay,
Where life's tapestry took an eerie sway.

A monkey wandered, innocent and free,
Through foliage draped in emerald glee,
Unaware of the peril that lay in wait,
A fateful encounter, a twist of fate.

With nimble fingers and playful delight,
The monkey danced, a vibrant sprite,
But destiny's hand, it silently wove,
A tale of despair, of longing and love.

The crocodile, ancient and sly,
With eyes as cold as a moonlit sky,
Spied the monkey, a feast on the run,
Its primal instinct awakened, begun.

With stealth and cunning, it launched its assault,
The jaws of death, with a sinister jolt,
The monkey's hand, snatched in an instant,
A desperate struggle, its pleas consistent.

In the water's embrace, tears mingled with fear,
The monkey wept, feeling fate draw near,
The world grew blurry, all hope seemed lost,
In nature's grasp, a tempest was tossed.

But amidst the anguish, a glimmer of light,
A compassionate heart, a resolute fight,
For deep within, the monkey found strength,
A spirit untamed, unyielding at length.

With resilience kindled, it rallied its soul,
Summoning courage to reclaim control,
With a burst of valor, it broke free,
Escaping the clutches of the crocodile's spree.

And as the sun painted the sky with gold,
The monkey emerged, brave and bold,
No longer defeated, its spirit alive,
In the face of adversity, it learned to thrive.

For the crocodile, a momentary win,
A fleeting triumph in nature's din,
But the monkey soared beyond its plight,
A testament to resilience's might.

So, let this tale be etched in our hearts,
A reminder that strength can never depart,
When life's grip tightens and hope seems frail,
We can rise, unbroken, and prevail.
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku