


Good morning mummy and today I'm eight weeks old

And your birthday gift for me are two eyes to see the world.

I soon expect two ears and a tiny podgy nose,

And look what's on my feet, I think they are called toes.

I know you love me mummy, I feel it in your heart.

One day I'll feel your warm embrace and of course we'll never part.

Laughter, smiles, what's all this?

And what does it feel like to get a kiss?

Where are you going mummy, today?

In a car, in a train, far, far away.

Why are you lying mummy on a bed with four wheels?

Mummy I'm hungry, today I've had no meals.

Why are you crying, your tears a stream?

If they hurt you mummy, just remember to scream.

Mummy what's happening? I don't understand!

Don't fall asleep mummy, just get up and stand.

Surrounded by people, people in green,

Tell them to stop, to stop being mean.

Mummy don't leave me, Mummy I'm scared,

Mummy I beg you, let me be spared!

Mummy, mummy, I don't want to die,

Mummy, mummy, don't say goodbye.

My heart is not beating; they're right I no longer feel pain,

But I begged you for life again and again.

I know they told you I'm just a ball of cells,

But here you go, a tear wells.

I was living, a life, but not any more.

Just a pulled apart child in a tray on the floor.

I'll never see grass or the sky or the trees.

Never know about love or the birds and the bees.

I would get a doctorate and find a cure,

For the cancer disease but not any more.

Mummy I loved you; I promise I still do,

And I hope that at some point, you loved me too.

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