

In this we know,
That love has been perfected '
That we may have boldness on the day of judgement,
Because, this happened two thousand years ago,
When the son of the King was bruised for my transgressions.
The chastisement of my peace was upon Him.
And by His stripes,
I remember something '

A question lingered in heaven,
"Who would save the world from sin?"
For God was looking for a man
Who would bear my reproach.
A finger was pointed at me
That I was already qualified to receive the wages of my sin '

Death, broke up into praises to the creator
Having blessed it's womb with the sacrifice of my life,
Hades, burst open to receive me in hell where I was to live eternally.
But before I could walk my path to damnation '

A voice was heard in heaven,
Roaring like the sound of many waters'
The son of man appeared in the judgement room and every knee bowed done in His presence,
His eyes were like a flame of fire
His feet were like burnished bronze refined in a furnace,
He had a long rob with a golden sash around His chest
And His hair - white as snow.
He had justice in His right hand and
Judgement in his left hand.

I knew what it meant to be summoned before the righteous judge,
I couldn't look straight in His eyes
He was shining with glory.
I was just speechless.
How could I even open up my mouth with a guilty heart in the presence of the King of kings?!
What would a slave like me - I was
Know better than to bear the reproach of my sin?
So I waited to be judged and be given my punishment.

And the Judge opened the constitution
On a page where it's written:
"My grace is sufficient for you.."
And then He read another line
"But when sin abounded, Grace abounded more"
He then looked at me and said;
"For it's by Grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it's the gift of God."

Grace was seen moving in my shoes to damnation.
He was heading to fire, where I was meant to be
He was over flooded with the blood that had to bleed from my veins
Passing through nails piercing through his hands for my sake
Carrying my cross, my guilt, my pain, my sickness - He carried my sin to death.

And the Grace - Jesus Christ was there hanging naked bearing my shame.
I knew I was meant to die,
But my life was picked up from the den by Grace '
I had to go through all this,
But Grace covered it all for me.

An in this we know,
That love has been perfected '
That we may have boldness on the day of judgement.
Because as He is,
So are we.

© saakigift