

in her memory
From the graven heart I watch the approaching storm, her voice still calls my name. Her whispers have grown restless, now that my love has changed. The thunder grips the sky, screams of romance within the eye, lust enraged swirls inside the heartbeats, with the pulse of paradise. I catch her fragrance upon the wind , a soulless body filled with sin, her promises lie in a coffin, her gravestone name is weathered thin. Memories fading like a campire, our stories left in dust, a new love shines on me this day, hope coming with the dusk. Stars still hang in full bloom daylight, incandescent with true love's kiss, immortal passions wedding faith, in writhing sexual innocence. Serpenting tongue along her thighlines , eyes burning, torments of seductive midnight, nails pressing into my flesh, take a look in last regret. A new heaven in my arms dilutes the poison of your polluted love, a transfusion of faith purifies my soul, of all the evil you have done. Your beauty had spun nightmares, my life caught in your web, my sins became vice,so littered with light , upon our conjugal bed. Those raven nights, dreams of us taking flight, wicked flesh becoming the lure. Fantasies spurred, vengeful malice so learned from the magnitude of maniacal demons in her. She clasped her mirrors' reflection, just to see her image adored, but desired decreed that lust never leave, lest her body be abhorred...
© Ernesto De La Pena III