

The heartbreak 💔

As her tear sank down,
She soulfully remembered,
The day they were splited,
Like two pieces of bread,
She cried out loud and swinged
She tossed, she turned, she swirled.

His heart as soft as tissue,
His soul as warm as his smile,
And there he was,
Crushed in bed,
Waiting silently and patiently for a ring.

Their memories flicked together,
Like flashing light bulbs,
His heart raced rapidly for hers,
But there was always a barrier,
A barrier of full monsters ready to tear them down.

Of course, they knew,
Time was never going to stop,
It ran like a bicycle,
But this time it kept running.

So instead,
They fixed their broken heart
Silled it, and moved on,

Of course, they knew,
This will be challenging,
But they were ready,
To keep on going....

By Vicky