

I Did Not Mean To Fall In Love With You
So the  thing is
I did not mean to fall in love with you
But I did
Right at the moment when I was ready to give up
When I have lost the will to fight -the will to live

Mind you
It wasn't on purpose
And I'm not saying that it's your fault
I'm not saying that my soul lights up by seeing your smile
Or that my heart gets excited when I hear you laugh

You didn't help the situation by revealing your beautiful heart
Being so compassionate and kind 
You were always there for me at my best and some of my darkest times 
You have the most amazing,  sexy and brilliant mind

Let's talk about the fact that  you gave your attention to the things that were  important to me
And how you are resolute , passionate but respectful when we disagree
When you started making me feel like your priority
I knew something was up and I was excited and scared for my heart
I knew I was in trouble when you stealthily like a secret operative invaded and solely inhabited my thoughts 

You started giving me space to communicate and express my feelings
And all the old scars,  hidden wounds, suppressed trauma began their healing
Why would you do that if you didn't want me to be madly,  badly and gladly in love  with you?
Why would you say that you hear me and my feelings are validated if you didn't want my heart and soul connected to you?

You let me talk and you listen
You are like the piece of the puzzle that I didn't know was missing
You make me feel safe
Giving me the right amount of space 
And in a world with over a billion people you make me feel seen
And just like that
You have become my Queen, the A on my Team

But I didn't mean to succumb to the enchantment and become so enamored by you
I really did not mean to fall in love with you 
But I'm really glad that I did
So glad that I did
Because breaths are much sweeter to inhale
When love is a beautiful  reason to live

© thatweirdislandgirljm