

En Route My Travails
Life is a journey
The route is not always nice
Most times we give up easily
Just because things didn't go well
Yes, we may fail at times
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try
Our success will be measured by our efforts
We might have been betrayed a lot
But we should move onward with forgiveness.
Knowing that people are different
And there giving room for trust to thrive again.
I've lost some friends along the way
But, I've understood that some will come
And others might leave. But life goes on.
I'm not rich and I don't have it all
But I rejoice with others on their success
Learning to be contented everyday.
I've failed many times times in love
But I won't judge my present experiences based on the past.
I won't let the past reflect on the present
Whatever happens on this journey,
Life doesn't end there!

© ZiMartins