

This sweet morning
With morning sweetness I chant out loud,
Oh! this clear lovely sky and the glistening cloud,
Last night the monsoon showered all it's heaviness,
Now the sky itself is light, so blue, as if away from crowd.

Amidst huge grey buildings, a sky so clear,
Birds swaying with wings unfurled in a mood so cheer,
The blossming rosy flowers, crystal clear droplets, refreshing air,
Blessed eyes of mine witnessed this beauty with Joy's tear.

From my balcony I encountered "Red looks amazing on blue"
As Mr. sun, as a heroic warrior, marchingly enters with his rays—his crew,
It bows down to Empress mother nature, and lightens the sky,
Finally, the day begins, all set to work, I rushed to college leaving this view.
© Literaria