

She shuddered,
At the memory of his touch,
Not out of excitement,
But repulsion.
He had taken her whole,
And left her broken,

Like a leech,
He had sucked her dry,
Leaving nothing but emptiness.
Now she could not remember,
How it felt to have butterflies,
To feel happy,
Truly happy.

It wasn't that she couldn't cry,
But that her tears were spent.
It wasn't that she couldn't smile
But that her frown was stuck.
It wasn't that she couldn't feel,
But that her heart was numb.
She was dead inside,
And it was all his fault.

How was she to know,
That he never meant the words he said,
That his promises were nothing but lies,
That the moments with him that she had so cherished,
Were all part of his plan to leave her with a crushed soul?

And now,
she lives her life alone.
A once cheerful heart,
Now comforted in her solitude.
She walks the streets,
Like an empty shell washed up by the treacherous sea,
© Ese-Ose