

The Proposal
“Come to me
Make me a home
I love it when you speak to me
Tell me your hurts I know you
So run to me
Don’t go else where
Look at me
It pains me when you see me as incapable
Limiting my abilities to just petty things
I want to show you more
Fly with me
Let me build you up
Carve you well Its constraining yes
Will you trust me?
It may bring tears yet
Will you trust me?
It’s a journey undetermined, still the end is sure so
Will you trust me?
Take my hand and let me love you
I promise to never leave you
I know you’ve heard this before
So I want you to be sure
I won’t give you gold
I won’t give you silver
I won’t offer wealth just yet
Of this I can fully give:
Am I enough?
Or would I be traded
I’m so jealous of you
I’m always watching you
Concerned for you
Trying to get your attention all the time
Wondering when you’d spare me just a glance
Stay with me
Will you?
You may think your world is better without me
But it wouldn’t be your world if I’m not in it
Will you trust me?
There is an expected end
Will you trust me?
Commit to me
Tell me you love me
Just as I love you so much
Maybe even too much
Dive with me
Breathe in my depths
I can make you shine
Just a little fire and you’ll be fine
Take me
Don’t choose another
Make me your lover
Will you trust me?
Don’t look at how everyone else disappointed you and just
Trust me
Sing to me
Cry on me
Do whatever you want
Just be with me
Again I ask,
Will you trust me?
Take a leap and
Trust me
Will you?”

After all these words he said to me
I knew I was bound to make a decision
Taking a step closer to him
I could see the clarity in his eyes
Yet still I feared
But I knew what I wanted
Should I take that dare?
Or keep the fear?
I took a deep breath
Looked him in the eye and said
I …….

What's Your Own Decision?
Will you accept Jesus?
Then fill the gap

#writersofig #delightwriteups #delight #poetry #poems #writerscommunity #writerslife #blogger #Jesus