

Nature's Symphony
*"Nature's Symphony"*

Nature, oh nature, so serene and so grand
A world of wonder, at your command
From mountains to oceans, to forests so deep
Your beauty is boundless, your secrets we keep

Your sunrises are breathtaking, your sunsets a sight
Painting the sky with colors, so vibrant and bright
Your stars twinkle like diamonds, in the evening sky
A celestial showcase, as the world says goodbye

Your mountains stand tall, like giants of old
Their peaks reaching for heaven, stories untold
Your oceans are vast, with depths yet unknown
A mysterious realm, where creatures call home

Your forests are lush, with trees that stand tall
A haven for wildlife, where they roam and enthrall
Your rivers flow gently, with waters so pure
Quenching the thirst, of all who endure

Your flowers bloom beautifully, in every hue
A rainbow of colors, for me and for you
Your birds sing sweet melodies, in harmony so fine
A symphony of nature, all the time

Your creatures roam freely, in their natural grace
A testament to your wonder, a smile on your face
Your beauty is boundless, your secrets we keep
A world of wonder, at your command, we sleep

Nature, oh nature, so serene and so grand
A world of wonder, at your command
Forever we'll cherish, your beauty so rare
A treasure trove, beyond compare.
© Hawaimperial5