

First Love
It comes unannounced
It come crashing in
Like waves of glitter
Sunlight, laughter, love
Real love
True love
First love
Ready to marry
To lay down your life
Through all troubling waters
Just to sleep next to her each night
Honeydew and marmalade
Sparkles and starlight
2am calls that feel illegal
But make everything feel right
Butterflies and candy
Smells and sounds
And once the physical tastes and touch occur
It’s heaven and hell
Heaven because you adore her
Hell because you crave her
Heaven is her arms embrace, the beating of her heart, falling asleep to her chest rising up and down as she sleeps
Hell because you’re far away, the distance pulls you apart, the pain starts
But honeymoon phases don’t last like they do in movies
Because when life changes, it’s no longer flowers and rainbows
It’s insecurities and differences
Strong dislikes and suspicion
Questions without answers
Then come the arguments
Then comes breaking up
Hooking up
Filling the void
Just to run back to each other
Just to fail permanently
Just to let go
To heal
To move on
But no love is quite like your first love
It always lingers
Soon enough the memories are less painful
And more appreciated
Less hurtful
And more grateful
And though you still love her
And though in the back of your mind there’s hope
Hollywood lies
So you cope
You cope with the memories of her smile and gaze
Just thinking about the way she stares at you, admiring you with love and grace, it still makes you nervous
Fluttering butterflies in your chest
But you’re happy
Not sad
Not angry
Not mad
Just glad
No regrets
Just love
Because your first love can be the best, but hurt the worst
Leaving scars on your heart that are now healed by another
So maybe you’ll cross paths
Maybe you’ll share a smile
A hello
Maybe you’ll reconcile
And the feelings will come flooding back
Just like the first time you met your first love
But if not
You wish her happiness even within your grief
Because no love is quite like your first
For she lives in my head rent free
And has a space in my heart, a space within me
The tears were worth it
And so were the memories
For my first love is her
Let our memories rest in peace

© thecryingchild