

Jumping into conclusions
has not helped anyone.
Statuses don't tell you
everything about a person.

Most posts are affirmations
to ourselves and well,
when someone is blessed by it praise God!

The state of people's heart
is sometimes very different
from what they post.

You may be 😭
but you post a 😊.
You may be😁 or 🥳
but post 😞 or 🥵.

Sometimes you are 🤮🤧😷🤒🤕
but post 💪🏾.
A few times you may be😊
and actually post😊.

People like to cover up
or open up
or encourage themselves
and that is fine.

So what am I trying to say,
be nice to people
because they have their own issues
they are dealing with. ❤️

#WritcoPrompt #Poetry