

Note to My Best Friend
(Read it slowly)
Life is the most precious gift from God
Live it well
Each step of the way as it unfolds
Make no haste
Let no one bother you with their vain talks

As much as you can
Resist the proud
Those who believe their 'notions' are the best
After all, the world has brooked them
Since time immemorial
They come
And they go

Make your company with the humble
When you are hungry, they will welcome you
When you are naked, they will clothe you
They are true and real people

Let love not depart from you
Love your enemies
Pray for them
That they may live to see your prosperity
Be a friend to the poor
They have a hidden treasure;
A compassionate soul and a true heart
They have a living hope in times of distress
And hope is what keeps our dreams true

Hate no one
Hatred is a bad thing
It tears families and friendships apart
And escalates into war
Why would you want to make
More enemies than friends?
Make as many friends as you can
At the same time, trust no one
Human beings are subjects to change
Only God can keep your secrets and plans

If you meet an agressive person
What will you do?
Will you also bawl out at them?
Let them talk
Show what they have to
But you, fight them by silence
And win the battle by an impressive result

Just be who you are
True to yourself
Listen to your soul speak
Whenever it says no
Do not cross that border
And whenever it says yes
Do not hesitate to make a progress

Life may be hard
Life may be disappointing
But accept that you are a child of the universe
No lesser than beasts and plants
They face horrible situations
But they come out well again to live
Are you bound to succeed without setbacks?
Live knowing that hard times come
Hard times go
And you are a student all the time
A student of the universe

Let no one denigrate you
As if you are a worthless scrap of paper
Let no one misuse you
You deserve the best for what you do
If not so, you deserve better than an idler
Don't you know
That even bees take years to build their kingdom
Take your time
Be patient
Work hard
And you won't miss your target

Lastly, do not shut your eyes
For those who care about you
Talk to them
Have peace with them
But for those who assume you
Let them not be a bother
Just surge on
Time will bring them along
Your life is written on it's own page
So live it the way it unfolds
Without hurrying
And without copying others.