


May I absorb the colour of leaves

And sit on a branch of a tree

I will dance with them,

The thunder beautifully making an announcement to greet her...

She is arriving..

The soft touch of her small drizzles

May it take away all my sorrows with the flow of her love

And I would be completely invisible

Within her lap

I will sing a song

With a voice of colour matching her Fall

Drip Drip Drizzle

... Soothing...the sound reaches me and calms my soul.

Her presence makes me feel things

The blossom of happiness

As she arrives,

she tenderly puts a kiss On my cheek...

And moistens my dull- dry face

I think she understands me

Even just for the time

She holds me completely

Into her cold arms

yet I can feel her warmth

And it swipes out all my melancholy

I love you

O, my dear

My rain...

My rain....

Ps: It rained here yesterday, so I wrote this, what I felt.
Nature is so beautiful....
It teaches us,
Like you teach me...
Nature has the ability to take away all my sadness with the flow of a cold breeze or with the touch of rain.
And I think I find you within all of it as well...
I am really thankful to being a part of all that it is,
all that is you.

© LaurenTarabori